Abayomi Azikiwe - Archive
Le Sénégal, le Tchad et la Côte d’Ivoire ont ordonné le départ des troupes françaises. L’Afrique francophone aux mains des États-Unis ?
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11 janvier 2025
Trump Continues Failed Military Policy in South Central Asia
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06 septembre 2017
« Regime Change »? South Africa Targeted by Western Destabilization Efforts?
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22 novembre 2016
« Housing, Water and Jobs Are Human Rights »: The Struggle against Repression, National Oppression and Economic Injustice
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15 novembre 2016
The Trump Presidency and U.S. Foreign Policy, Financial Markets, Trading Blocks and Military Alliances
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10 novembre 2016
Race and Class in America: Social Unrest and Political Tensions in the Wake of the 2016 Elections
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08 novembre 2016
The 1833 Blackburn Rebellion in Detroit: African Resistance, Emigration and the Burgeoning Anti-slavery Struggle
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03 novembre 2016
U.S. Imperial Wars: Militarism in West Asia and the Horn of Africa: The Need for Antiwar Solidarity
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01 novembre 2016
The Refugee Crisis and the Police State: France Orders Forced Removal Of Migrants At Calais Camp
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25 octobre 2016
Building Anti-Imperialist Solidarity in the United States: The Need for Internationalism
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25 octobre 2016
Washington and London Call for Yemen « Ceasefire » amid Escalation Of U.S. Bombings… Dangerous Crossroads in Syria and Iraq
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18 octobre 2016
Haiti Relief Efforts Fail to Address Mounting Humanitarian Crisis. What Happens to the Money?
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18 octobre 2016
« The Birth of a Nation »: Revisiting the Nat Turner African Slave Rebellion of 1831
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12 octobre 2016
Yemen: Imperialist Engineered Disaster. US Navy Destroyer Says It Was Fired on by Resistance Forces in Yemen
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11 octobre 2016
China and the Struggle of Oppressed Nations for Self-Determination, National Liberation and Socialism
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05 octobre 2016
Should African States Withdraw from the United Nations?
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28 septembre 2016
Charlotte Police Killings of African Americans Prompt Days of Protest
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26 septembre 2016
Election Reflections 2016: Health Matters, Are Clinton and Trump Fit for Office? Failed Policies and the Socialist Imperative
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13 septembre 2016
Racism and the 1971 Attica Rebellion: George Jackson and the Revolutionary Prison Movement
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11 septembre 2016
The Plight of Southern Africa: Drought, Food Insecurity, Violent Unrest, Economic Instability
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07 septembre 2016
Counter-Revolution in Brazil and United States Imperialism. The Impeachment of Dilma Rousseff
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01 septembre 2016
Elections 2016: Trump, Clinton and Racism in American Politics
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30 août 2016
Pan-Africanism, Women’s Rights and Socialist Development
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30 août 2016
Washington Escalates Renewed Bombing Campaign in Libya: US Intervention in Africa has Triggered An International Crisis
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23 août 2016
United States Imperialism in East Africa–Military Interventions and Regional Destabilization
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23 août 2016
Milwaukee (1967), Half-century of African American Struggle: Urban Rebellion and the Political Imperatives of Social Transformation
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18 août 2016
Election Reflections 2016 – Trump and Clinton Visit Detroit
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16 août 2016
Race, Class and Justice in America
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12 août 2016
Global Implications of the Local Governmental Elections in South Africa
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09 août 2016
Black Lives Matter: The Culture of Impunity of Racist Police Violence in the U.S.
Global Research News Hour Episode 124
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08 août 2016
America’s Election 2016: War, Globalization and « Fake Democracy »
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02 août 2016
Pentagon Bombs Libya Again: Under the Guise of “Fighting Terrorism”
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02 août 2016
Housing Crisis Still Plagues Detroit. Poverty and its Racial Implications
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26 juillet 2016
African Union Summit Issues E-Passport amid Discussions on Peace and Unity
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19 juillet 2016
African Americans and Mass Struggle during the Early Years of the Great Depression: The Yokinen Trial of 1931
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18 juillet 2016
War and Destabilization: NATO Expansion and the European Union Crisis
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13 juillet 2016
US Racist Repression Exposed, Nationwide Protests against Police Brutality and Killings
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12 juillet 2016
Is This The End Of Europe As We Know It? Economic Uncertainty Compounded by Political Divisions
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06 juillet 2016
Detroit Public Schools: A Case Study in American Apartheid
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06 juillet 2016
Pre-election Violence in South Africa
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29 juin 2016
Africa Responds to Brexit: British Government, European Union, World Capitalist Markets in Disarray
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28 juin 2016
Is There a Role for the Peace, Antiracist and Social Justice Movements in the 2016 Elections?
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22 juin 2016
Migrant Crisis Fueled by Libya War
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21 juin 2016
African American and Women Studies Majors Eliminated at Western Illinois University
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21 juin 2016
Stokely Carmichael, Black Power and the Age of Political Repression: Why Did America’s Ruling Elites Declare War on the Black Movement?
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15 juin 2016
50th Anniversary of the Black Power Slogan and Its Significance
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14 juin 2016
South Africa Prepares for Local Governmental Elections
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14 juin 2016
Housing Struggle Continues in Detroit Defying Landlords and Bankers
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08 juin 2016
« State of Black America »: National Urban League Report Says African Americans Remain ‘Locked Out’
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02 juin 2016
The Wars Come Home … to Detroit, Michigan. Flint, General Motors and the Water Crisis
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27 mai 2016
America’s Wars of Aggression against Africa under the Disguise of the « War on Terrorism »
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26 mai 2016
CIA Continues to Undermine African Independence and Sovereignty
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25 mai 2016
South Africa: Tensions Escalate ahead of Local Government Elections
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10 mai 2016
What’s Behind the Problems of Public Education in Detroit?
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10 mai 2016
US Foreign Policy in Africa and the 2016 Elections
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03 mai 2016