Bonnie Faulkner - Archive
Le Venezuela: De la procuration pétrolière au mouvement bolivarien et au sabotage.
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05 avril 2020
Political Crisis in the United States. « Clinton is a Very Dangerous Person ». Rising Geopolitical Tensions with Russia
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05 novembre 2016
Global Financial Warfare: Neoliberalism and the New World Order
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23 juin 2016
The Slow Crash. The Shrinking of the Real Economy
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21 juin 2016
Global Warfare: Is US-NATO Going to Attack Russia?
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16 juin 2016
The Squatter Movement in New York City: Seizing Housing
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19 mai 2016
The New Global Financial Cold War
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28 février 2016
Understanding False Flag Operations In Our Time
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06 février 2016
9/11, Follow the Money; How Big Oil Conquered the World: Crossroads of Corruption and Criminality
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23 janvier 2016
Vaccines: Threads of Corruption
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07 janvier 2016
Terrorismo de Estado: estilo franco-americano
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04 décembre 2015