Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya - Archive
A propos de l'auteur:
An award-winning author and geopolitical analyst, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya is the author of The Globalization of NATO (Clarity Press) and a forthcoming book The War on Libya and the Re-Colonization of Africa. He has also contributed to several other books ranging from cultural critique to international relations. He is a Sociologist and Research Associate at the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), a contributor at the Strategic Culture Foundation (SCF), Moscow, and a member of the Scientific Committee of Geopolitica, Italy.
Le projet d’un «Nouveau Moyen-Orient»
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14 mai 2018
Syrian Army Was Winning in Aleppo Hence the US ‘Resorted to Ceasefire’
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24 septembre 2016
Former American Colony Takes Center Stage In South China Sea Dispute
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29 juillet 2016
Former American Colony Takes Center Stage In South China Sea Dispute
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28 juillet 2016
The Seeds for Igniting a Turkish Civil War Were Planted in Syria
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26 juillet 2016
Washington Complicates the Dispute in the South China Sea
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20 juillet 2016
Washington Complicates the Dispute in the South China Sea
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20 juillet 2016
Washington complica la disputa sul Mar Cinese Meridionale
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12 juillet 2016
Storm in the South China Sea: Washington is Inciting the Dispute between China and the Philippines
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09 juillet 2016
Washington is inciting disputes between Beijing and Manila for its own gain
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09 juillet 2016
How the Media Supported Corruption During the Elections in the Philippines
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12 juin 2016
How the Media Supported Corruption During the Elections in the Philippines
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12 juin 2016
World War « O » : Strike Syria and Ignite Iraq
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24 mai 2016
Washington’s Financial Currency War on China: The Eclipsing of the US Dollar by the Yuan
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22 mai 2016
Washington’s Financial Currency War on China: The Eclipsing of the US Dollar by the Yuan
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22 mai 2016
NATO: Proudly Delivering Death Since 1949
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10 mai 2016
The Syria Endgame: Strategic Stage in the Pentagon’s Covert War on Iran
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15 mars 2016
The War in Western Kurdistan and Northern Syria: The Role of the US and Turkey in the Battle of Kobani
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14 mars 2016
Libya Then and Now: An Overview of NATO’s Handiwork
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04 mars 2016
The Middle East Energy War Heats Up: Israeli-Turkish Normalization, Turkey’s Military Base in Qatar
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05 janvier 2016
Turkish-ISIL Oil Smuggling Operation: The US and NATO Are Also Involved
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04 janvier 2016
A Tangled Web: How the Media Misleads the Public on Terrorist Threats
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03 janvier 2016
Qu’est-ce que le groupe armé État Islamique (EI/EIIL)?
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24 novembre 2015
الشرق الأوسط الجديد
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25 août 2015
Gli Usa hanno attaccato il mercato azionario cinese in rappresaglia per la creazione della Banca dei BRICS
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23 juillet 2015
Stupidité des services saoudiens – Ce que les câbles Wikileaks disent et ne disent pas
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21 juillet 2015
Gli USA costretti a negoziare con l’Iran dalla realtà globale
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19 juillet 2015
The US Dollar and Bretton Woods are Finished: The BRICS/SCO Summits in Ufa Mark the Start of a « Silk World Order »
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10 juillet 2015
ИПАП – шематски план за уништење Србије под палицом НАТО
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03 juillet 2015
Neither Greater Asia nor Greater Europe: America’s «Chaos» versus a Silk World Order
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03 juillet 2015
La ridícula naturaleza de la inteligencia saudí: Lo que dicen y no dicen los cables saudíes de Wikileaks
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02 juillet 2015
Амерички „агенти хаоса“
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29 juin 2015
ISIL está na Ucrânia: « Agentes do Caos » dos EUA soltos na Eurásia
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10 mai 2015
Le Groupe État islamique en Ukraine : les États-Unis lâchent leurs « agents du chaos » en Eurasie
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08 mai 2015
L’ISIS è presente in Ucraina: “Agenti del Caos” degli USA sguinzagliati in Eurasia
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05 mai 2015
EEUU emplea agentes del caos contra Irán, Rusia y China
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04 mai 2015
Haben Russland, China und der Iran in Moskau mit dem Aufbau einer Koalition gegen die NATO begonnen?
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01 mai 2015
¿Debutó en Moscú una coalición china-rusa-iraní contra la OTAN?
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01 mai 2015
Estreou em Moscou uma coalizão sino-russo-iraniana contra a OTAN?
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27 avril 2015
A Mosca nasce la coalizione sino-russo-iraniana contro la NATO?
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26 avril 2015
Did a Chinese-Russian-Iranian Coalition opposing NATO Debut in Moscow?
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25 avril 2015
Marching Towards Disaster: What’s Really Behind The US Push In The Asia-Pacific?
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18 avril 2015
‘Fin de la OTAN’: ¿Un Ejército de la UE para reducir la influencia de EE.UU. en Europa?
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16 avril 2015
Die Geopolitik hinter dem Krieg im Jemen – Teil II
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14 avril 2015
Die Geopolitik hinter dem Krieg im Jemen – Teil I
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14 avril 2015
Miti e Impero: capire la paura occidentale dei terroristi arabi e mussulmani
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13 avril 2015
Imaginario e imperio: Algunas claves para entender el temor occidental hacia los terroristas árabes y musulmanes
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13 avril 2015
¿Quieren EE.UU. y Arabia Saudí dividir Yemen?
La geopolítica tras la guerra en Yemen (II)
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10 avril 2015
Imagerie et Empire: Comprendre la peur occidentale des terroristes arabes et musulmans
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09 avril 2015
El comienzo de un nuevo frente contra Irán
La geopolítica tras la guerra en Yemen (I)
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08 avril 2015
Para compreender o medo que árabes e muçulmanos inspiram ao ‘ocidente’
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08 avril 2015
Geopolítica da guerra dos EUA no Iêmen : Dividir o Iêmen?
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02 avril 2015
Acabar con la OTAN : ¿Un Ejército de la UE pensado para reducir la influencia estadounidense en Europa?
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02 avril 2015
الجغرافية السياسية وراء الحرب في اليمن: هل تريد كل من السعودية والولايات المتحدة تقسيم اليمن ؟
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31 mars 2015
Geopolítica da guerra dos EUA no Iêmen e Novo Front contra o Irã
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30 mars 2015
Far morire la NATO: l’Esercito Europeo è lo strumento per ridurre l’influenza USA in Europa?
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30 mars 2015
الجغرافية السياسية وراء الحرب في اليمن: بداية جبهة جديدة ضد إيران
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29 mars 2015