Selected Articles: Brexit: What Is It About? What is at Stake?

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Brexit: What Is It About? What is at Stake?

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 22 2016

If you read the presstitute media, Brexit—the referendum tomorrow on the UK’s exit from the EU— is about racism.  According to the story line, angry rightwing racists of violent inclinations want to leave the EU to avoid having to accept…


Brexit Referendum Is Non-Binding. UK Parliament Not Voters has Final Say

By Stephen Lendman, June 23 2016

All the fuss and bother about Brexit largely ignores its non-binding status – parliament, not voters deciding if Britain stays or leaves the EU, the latter extremely unlikely. Writing in the Financial Times, British lawyer David Allen Green explained Brexit…

Brexit R-U

The Inhumanity of Brexit

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 23 2016

While the Brexit debate has become a matter of colliding blocs of speculators and crystal ball gazers, a glaring aspect has come to the fore.  Virtually nothing has been said about the role played by human rights, Britain’s role in…

Goldman Sachs

Brexit: Goldman Sachs Pledged Substantial Six-figure Sum to British pro-EU Group

By Anthony Bellchambers, June 22 2016

This article was first published by GR in January 2016. A former Goldman official who is not even a British citizen currently runs the Bank of England. How convenient… Goldman Sachs has inside information from within the Bank of England…


EU Basics – Your Guide to the UK Brexit Referendum on EU Membership

By Professor Richard A. Werner, June 22 2016

The British people should be clear about just what they will be voting on at the EU referendum this Thursday. What does it actually mean to stay in the EU? What does it mean to exit?


Brits Dump Pound Sterling Ahead of Brexit Vote. Long Queues Outside Foreign Exchange Bureaux

By Tyler Durden, June 23 2016

When one thinks of lines of people waiting patiently to obtain “hard currency”, one may think Russia, as was the case in December 2014 when the currency was plunging… “long queues stretched outside foreign exchange bureaux in the City of…

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