Selected Articles: Examining the Anti-Trump Protest Movement

Trump Petition to Unseat Donald and Make Hillary President

By Stephen Lendman, November 11 2016 is a for-profit enterprise, not an NGO – deceiving supporters by using the .org domain suffix, not .com as it should. Its business is getting people to sign petitions, along with selling advertising and personal data for added profits.


Crowds of Americans are Protesting the Election of Donald Trump. Who Is to Blame?

By Barbara Nimri Aziz, November 11 2016

I hear that crowds of Americans are protesting the election of Donald Trump as the 45th US head of state. They blame the president-elect himself. Who is really at fault? And to whom or what should these disillusioned voters address their demands? Unhappy citizens have to blame someone, or something; I understand this. So here are some suggestions.


The Anti-Trump Protesters Are Tools of the Oligarchy. Their Objective: Delegitimize Donald, Install “Madam President”

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 11 2016

Who are the anti-Trump protesters besmirching the name of progressives by pretending to be progressives and by refusing to accept the outcome of the presidential election?  They look like, and are acting worse than, the “white trash” that they are denouncing.

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The Trump Effect: Protesting the Result

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 11 2016

Donald Trump, even without raising a single pen, or signing a single legal document, has already had a profound effect on activism in the United States.  Much of this has taken form among the student body of various schools, a brushfire reaction of fury that has seen empty classrooms and vacated schools.  Walkouts have taken place over two days.  Instructors have followed.

elections USA

Donald Trump Wins US Presidency: A Blow to the Global Establishment…or Its Latest Iteration?

By Ghada Chehade, November 11 2016

Is Trump the beginning of the end of the global establishment or is he just a revision, a new direction, a preparation for a new iteration of the status quo? Of course, Trump is part of the elite given his immense wealth and corporate muscle. But as the Centre for Research on Globalization explains, the elites are not a monolith [1], and there may be divisions and factions within the global elite that do indeed oppose the present and historical direction of the global establishment. Is that what Trump represents, the division within the global power structure?

Articles Par : Global Research News

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