Selected Articles: The Russians are Coming: War Propaganda Goes into High Gear


The Russians are Coming: War Propaganda Goes into High Gear. Renewed NATO Military Deployments on Russia’s Doorstep…

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 27 2016

The Headlines on Britain’s tabloids point to US-NATO war preparations in response to alleged Russian aggression. It is largely a display of war propaganda including an array of images and maps to intimidate Western public opinion. The Russians are Coming…

clinton wiki

Hillary Clinton Is Playing With Thermonuclear Fire, And You Will Be Glowing

By Joe Clifford, October 26 2016

Clinton’s using Russia as a political scapegoat is very dangerous. At a time when there is bad blood between the two thermonuclear powers, it is irresponsible, and demonstrates a callous lack of judgement to falsely accuse Russia of such a deed without the slightest bit of proof for purely political reasons.  Provoking the Russians for political reasons speaks volumes about Ms. Clinton.


Fact Check: Trump Is Right that Clinton Might Trigger World War III

By Washington’s Blog, October 27 2016

Trump claims that Clinton’s policy on Syria would lead to World War 3. Let’s fact check …


Military Escalation in the Wake of the U.S. Presidential Elections? Stopping Hillary’s Coming War on Syria

By Shamus Cooke, October 27 2016

Last year Reuters reported that “removing President Assad” would be Clinton’s “top priority” if she were elected. The fact that such blatant warmongering can go unchallenged is itself a major PR victory for the establishment. The anti-war movement seems speechless, immobile in the face of yet another war. This paralysis is due, in part, to the Left’s splintering over Syria, where vicious infighting over a consistent anti-war perspective has spoiled debate.


The Path To Total Dictatorship: America’s “Shadow Government” And Its Silent Coup

By John W. Whitehead, October 26 2016

Unaffected by elections. Unaltered by populist movements. Beyond the reach of the law. Say hello to America’s shadow government. A corporatized, militarized, entrenched bureaucracy that is fully operational and staffed by unelected officials who are, in essence, running the country, this shadow government represents the hidden face of a government that has no respect for the freedom of its citizenry.

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