Selected Articles: War, Elections, and the Morning After

Trump Clinton

Race and Class in America: Social Unrest and Political Tensions in the Wake of the 2016 Elections

By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 08 2016

Irrespective of who wins the poll on November 8 it will not resolve the ongoing social and racial tensions in the U.S. Neither candidate has been seriously questioned by corporate journalists in regard to their specific policy proposals related to concrete conditions facing the majority of people inside the country.

Trump Clinton

Caricatures for President of the U.S.: Countering Despair, “Responsibility to Wake Up”, Taking a Complete View of History…

By Dr. Robert Rennebohm, November 08 2016

To counter the despair and fear generated by the American presidential campaign (and associated global chaos and wars), this essay presents a positive, constructive reaction to what is occurring.  The essay seeks to explain why the current state of affairs, as depressing and frightening as it may seem, may be viewed as an excellent learning opportunity that, if seized, can accelerate Social Progress and facilitate creation of Social Beauty.

trump-clinton 2

The Republican-stimulated Roaring 1920s: Will it Happen Again in 2016?

By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, November 08 2016

The infamous presidential campaign of 2016 has exposed many of the similarities between the American pro-business two party system and what happened during the evolution of European fascism. The fact that so many Americans are historically illiterate should be a concern of every serious voter.


Oh, What a Lovely War! Delusional US Foreign Policy could bring Disaster

By Philip Giraldi, November 08 2016

In the election campaign there has, in fact, been little discussion of the issue of war and peace or even of America’s place in the world, though Trump did at one point note correctly that implementation of Hillary’s suggested foreign policy could escalate into World War III. It has been my contention that the issue of war should be more front and center in the minds of Americans when they cast their ballots as the prospect of an armed conflict in which little is actually at stake escalating and going nuclear could conceivably end life on this planet as we know it.

USA Empire

Thoughts about US Foreign Policy

By William Blum, November 08 2016

Since 1980, the United States has intervened in the affairs of fourteen Muslim countries, at worst invading or bombing them. They are (in chronological order) Iran, Libya, Lebanon, Kuwait, Iraq, Somalia, Bosnia, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Sudan, Kosovo, Yemen, Pakistan, and now Syria.


The Battle For Just Peace In A World of War Lies

By Mark Taliano, November 08 2016

It is known and documented, and has been for years, that the West and its allies support terrorism to destroy and control other countries and their (remaining) peoples. It is known and documented that the terrorists who behead, and rape, and pillage their way through the Middle East and elsewhere are our proxies.  We pay the bills, and we orchestrate the carnage.

Articles Par : Global Research News

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