Selected Articles: Washington’s Intent is Economic Destabilization and “Regime Change” In Venezuela


Washington’s Intent is Economic Destabilization and “Regime Change” In Venezuela

By Stephen Lendman, October 25 2016

Venezuela’s oil-dependent economy suffers greatly from low crude oil prices and US economic warfare – waged to destabilize the country, create enormous hardships, mobilize majority opposition to President Nicolas Maduro’s leadership, and end nearly 18 years of economic and social progress. The collapse in the price of crude oil was the result of a carefully designed speculative operation.

genocide canada

“Genocide Denial” in Canada

By John Bart Gerald, October 26 2016

Several current news items lead to the same point of focus: Canada’s evasion of its responsibility to honour and adhere to the Convention on Genocide. Its unfaithfulness encourages states of emergency to play out through Indigenous communities in Canada. It’s also evident in foreign policies against more distant peoples. As though the Convention on Genocide were not primary law, had no statute of limitations, has no affect beyond the good will and salaried hopes of NGO’s, and no application to first world countries.

Camp de CalaisThe Refugee Crisis and the Police State: France Orders Forced Removal Of Migrants At Calais Camp

By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 25 2016

Area designated as “the jungle” contained 6,000-10,000 displaced persons seeking refuge Some 1,200 French security forces descended on the migrant camp in Calais on the English Channel with riot gear, buses and sledgehammers in an attempt to relocate the thousands of people awaiting admission into Britain.


Tribute to the Last Honorable US Senator: The Story of Paul Wellstone’s Suspected Assassination

By Joachim Hagopian, October 26 2016

On October 25th, 2002 the last great hero of the common people in the US Senate was very likely murdered by agents of the shadow US crime cabal government otherwise known as the Bush-Cheney regime. His wife and daughter and two pilots also died in the air crash. Paul Wellstone’s story deserves to be retold and Americans need to be reminded that criminals in and out of our government still need to be punished for their unindicted crimes. This article was written as both a tribute to an outstanding American patriot and a reexamination of his probable assassination by criminals still on the loose.


The Simple Act of “Pushing a Button”. Miscalculation, Mistake or Malice? The Unspoken Aftermath of a Nuclear War…

By David Krieger, October 26 2016

On one side of the ledger is everything natural and extraordinary about life with its long evolution bringing us to the present and poised to carry its processes forward into the future. On the other side of the ledger is “the button,” capable of bringing most life on the planet to a screeching halt. Also on this side of the ledger are those people who remain ignorant or apathetic to the nuclear dangers confronting humanity. We all need to recognize what is at stake and choose a side.

Articles Par : Global Research News

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