Une première du gouvernement grec de Tsipras: Israël et les Etats-Unis en manœuvres avec l’armée grecque
Le communiqué du 16 Avril du parti communiste grec est passé assez inaperçu et méritait d’être traduit. Nous y joignons le texte anglais du discours inaugural de ces manœuvres prononcé par le ministre grec de la défense Panos Kamennos en présence de Madame l’ambassadeur d’Israël.
Le Ministère de la défense grec a été donné par Syriza a son allié le parti politique de droite ANEL.
Ce discours montre une forte implication du gouvernement grec dans les politiques militaires officielles des Etats-Unis : lutte contre « le califat » (par ailleurs soutenu en sous-main par les mêmes), exercice militaire commun prévu avec l’Egypte pur ce mois de juin, relations étroites avec les voisins OTAN de la Mer Noire : Bulgarie et Roumanie, et enfin coopération militaire nouvelle (rémunérée ?) avec Abu Dhabi.
Au sujet de des relations entre l’Egypte et Israël la fausse (?) naïveté du Ministre est totale puisqu’il annonce la délimitation prochaine de la frontière entre les ZEE (zones économique exclusives pour l’exploitation des richesses sous marines) de ces deux pays, ignorant qu’Israël, Etat expansionniste, a pour principe politique intangible de ne jamais délimiter ses frontières qu’elles soient terrestres, maritimes ou aériennes.
Pour la première fois des forces étasuniennes et israéliennes vont participer à l’exercice des forces armées grecques “INIOXOX 2015”
Le gouvernement SYRIZA-ANEL, opérant dans le même cadre que le gouvernement ND-PASOK précédent, progresse dans la collaboration des armées grecques avec celles des Etats-Unis et d’Israël.
Ainsi, du lundi 20 au jeudi 30 Avril, l’exercice commun de moyenne ampleur « Inioxos 2015» sera mené en association avec « Astrapi » l’exercice de la Marine grecque. L’exercice prévoit la conduite des missions aériennes complexes sur l’ensemble du FIR d’Athènes, avec la participation d’un grand nombre de forces de la Force aérienne, navale, ainsi que des unités de l’armée, tandis que, pour la première fois, les forces militaires de pays étrangers vont participer, en particulier Israël et les Etats-Unis.
L’exercice est lié à la tentative, dangereuse pour le peuple, de la classe bourgeoise locale pour améliorer sa position géostratégique, par le développement de sa coopération avec les Etats-Unis et Israël. L’implication toujours plus importante des forces armées grecques dans les plans impérialistes au Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord est attendue. (souligné par nous)
Il a maintenant été révélé dans la pratique comment ont été trompeuses les célébrations concernant la victoire de SYRIZA aux élections étaient, célébrations où diverses forces de gauche et même communistes ont participé, y compris des forces du Moyen-Orient.
Discours du ministre grec de la défense
The Minister of National Defence Panos Kammenos accompanied by the Chief of HNDGS General Michail Kostarakos and the Chief of HAFGS Lieutenant General Christos Vaitsis visited the Air Tactics Centre, Andravida, where he was briefed about the joint medium scale exercise “Iniohos 2015” which is conducted with the participation of Air, Naval and Land forces’ units. For the first time US and Israeli forces also participate in the exercise.
The Minister of National Defence stated:
« Madame Ambassador of Israel, Chief of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff, Chief of the Hellenic Air Force General Staff, Officers, NCOs, civilians,
This is a special moment for me and I am very pleased to be here today, in Andravida, in the 117th Air Combat Wing, an important operation unit, and also in the Air Tactics Centre which is the heart of the advanced training of the Hellenic Air Force.
I am very pleased because today we are watching and we are informed about the manner in which you work, you are trained and you conduct an important exercise, the annual air force exercise “INIOHOS” which tests the capabilities and skills of the Air Force, joint operations and air defence at a high level.
Moreover, this year we are particularly glad because through the wide participation of Israel’s aircraft and USA’s personnel, we are given a great chance to test also our cooperation skills with our allies’ air force. Three of the world’s best air forces meet each other and are trained here, in Andravida.
Apart from this great fact, we are pleased and honoured by the presence of Israel’s Ambassador, Ms. Irit Ben Abba and the military delegations of these two allied countries. I wish to thank them for their permanent cooperation, their contribution to the improvement of our defence relations.
Madame Ambassador, over the last years, our countries’ relations have taken a considerable boost which has come as a natural result of the relations between the two peoples, of the absence of bilateral problems, as well as of the significant capabilities and strong perspectives for cooperation between us.
There is also a parallel course of history which forges this relation. I am convinced that upgrading the relations of Greece and Israel is mutually profitable and contributed to the stability in the wider area of Eastern Mediterranean.
Greece is for Israel a safe and permanent geopolitical road to Europe and this is not based on occasional and variable parameters, but on scrupulous strategic decisions.
What peoples of the Eastern Mediterranean region need are honest relations among them by overcoming deadlocks of the past.
And from this corner of Greece and also from any of its corners, we send a message for peace and friendship to all our neighbours; a message for stability and constant effort for our citizens’ security.
The Greek defence does not regard only Greece, which is our major priority, but it also serves as a European foothold and bastion to every modern threat.
Greece is a key country of our regional security system because it is aware of the problems and particularities of the region and it maintains friendly relations with all sides. Our defence and foreign policy are a policy of steadfast principles and attitudes, based on regional cooperation within international organizations, and also a policy of equal bilateral relations.
Our countries’ geopolitical position is changing over the last years and cooperation, in order to confront a new enemy which is the Islamic fundamentalism, the Islamic caliphate which is rapidly developing in Northern Africa and Middle East, has a particular importance for us.
In this context Greece, as a NATO member, has substantially the political responsibility, using the base of Souda, to confront this threat in the fields of the Ally, and in parallel, it proceeds to a cooperation with Israel and other countries, such as Egypt, with which, when EEZ is delimitated, they will have common borders in the south.
Over the next days we will proceed to a defence agreement with Egypt. In early June, the Chief of HNDGS will visit Egypt. Ten days ago, the President of Egypt, Mr. Sisi, the Defence Minister, the Chief of General Staffs and I agreed that we will organise an exercise in early June with an echelon of the Hellenic Air Force and Mirage 2000 which are practically used for flights by Egypt’s Air Force too. This is particularly important because such cooperation will lead to the creation of a secure region which starts from Egypt, a country resisting to Islamic fundamentalism, and Israel.
Israel, Cyprus and Greece constitute an area which – why not – may become the new defence doctrine that will be expanded to the north, to Bulgaria and Romania – Greece will seek for it – also in cooperation with moderate countries of the Middle East. We have already started a cooperation with the Emir of Abu Dhabi and Abu Dhabi’s Air Force. The Air Force of the Emirates is already trained together with Greek pilots.
Greece’s geopolitical position is therefore particularly important and none should forget that we are the only who – from the first moment – state that such cooperations are necessary. Of course, we are a member of the European Union and NATO, we are close allies with the United States of America, we are allies with Israel, we are allies with Egypt, and we are allies and conduct talks with Arab countries, however, we should not forget that the same terrorists who attacked Boston, during the marathon a few years ago, are the same terrorists who struck the centre of Moscow. And on this matter Greece will take initiatives on international cooperations against this common threat.
Chief, Today, apart from being informed by watching the exercise “INIOHOS 2015” which covers almost the entire Greek territory, I feel satisfied and certain that the protection of our borders, the protection of our country’s dignity are in very skilful hands.
Your excellent training as well as the ability of Air Units to take coordinated action among themselves, as well as with the other Branches of the Armed Forces and with our allied air forces, demonstrate clearly the high level of our national defence system; they demonstrate the battle-worthiness of the Greek Arms, the strong combat power of our Armed Forces and the high morale of our personnel.