US Citizens Can’t Sue Saudis for Perpetrating 9/11, but Can Sue Iranians Who Had Nothing to Do With It: Obama

Région :

Update to the situation covered in the below video report by Washington’s Blog:

Since the video was made, the House and Senate have unanimously passed an act that could make it possible for US 9/11 victims to sue Saudis for their complicity in perpetrating the 9/11 attack.

Bush and Obama censored for more than a decade the evidence of Saudi involvement while they invaded Iraq, killing at least hundreds of thousands of people.

Obama is now reasserting his intention to veto the act, but, as Jason Ditz reports, will still allow “9/11 victims to sue Iran, even though Iran had nothing to do with the attack”.

Ditz continues that this is in keeping with the standard US practice of “protecting its allies [and itself] from lawsuits while setting up suits against international rivals”.  (The US has been attempting to reconquer Iran since 1979 when the US’s Iranian proxy-dictator, whom Amnesty International called one of the world’s worst human rights violators, was overthrown.)

Most of the 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, and the US-backed Saudi dictatorship appears to have also provided financial and other forms of support for the crime.

Iran appears to have had no involvement, and has instead been a major victim of US violence for many decades, with, for example, Saddam Hussein’s US-backed war of aggression against Iran killing up to a million Iranians, including with illegal chemical weapons provided to Hussein by the US and Europe:

“U.S. exports to Iraq included the precursors to chemical-warfare agents, plans for chemical and biological warfare production facilities, and chemical-warhead filling equipment.”

Articles Par : Robert Barsocchini

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